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Dead Alive is the best, and goriest horror film of all time. It had everything a horror movie fan could want in a movie, rat monkeys, decapiations, strangulation by intestines, a kung fu fighting priest, zombie sex, gallons of blood, a zombie with a lawn gnome for a head, and a climactic scene your not soon to forget, i won't give it away, but it invloves a room full of zombies and our hero with a lawnmower!
all the smaller pics were taken from houseofhorrors.com, thanx to them for allowing me to use them.

The Dead Alive cover, click the pic to hear some awesome sounds from the Dead Alive movie

The sumatran rat monkey

The firt zombie, lionels mum

our hero lionel

A zombie steals this lady's heart

Hey, is that John Travolta?

This party goes got a fist through her skull

Yet another pic of our cuddly rat monkey

I guess the zombie did not like this nurses bed side manor

Mum and her accident with the embalming machine

Maybe its Nic Cage?

Aw, isn't he cute?

Father McGruter and the cemetery statue

Mum is having a little work done

Remember i mentioned zombie lovin', well, this is the zombie love child

Uncle Les, possibly worse than the zombies.

Uncle Les, after a meeting with Lionel's mum

Lionel gets tough

An ear in Mr. Matheson's custard

Mr. Matheson after eating his custard

he doesn't use that anyway, right?

This zombie takes a rake to the head

"Your mother ate my dog!" "not all of it"




